Flower girls, ring bearers, bouquet holders, oh my!
Flower girls, ring bearers, bouquet holders, oh my! Truth be told, one of your guests favorite wedding moments will involve the kids. Whether flower girls, ring bearers, or bouquet holders, bridal party children seldom disappoint.
And everybody had fun, fun, fun
When I was a kid, every day had but a single focus – playing. Each day brought a new challenge as my friends and I democratically decided what activity, what pursuit, what game would capture our attention and energy for the next twelve hours.
Though we didn’t have Playstation or X-box, Cable TV or Videos, DVDs or cell phones, computer games or Gameboys, or any one of a hundred other inventions responsible for turning kids today into couch potatoes, we knew that the options for play were endless.
We love kids
It seems that weddings are a strange mix of the serious and the fun for kids of all ages. For a few short years kids are allowed to abandon themselves to the world of play, make believe, imagination, and creativity. Thoreau wrote, “The youth gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon…and the middle-aged man builds a woodshed with them.”
Recently, I was chatting with another local photographer and they actually complained that some kids were going to be in the next wedding they were shooting. Not so at Beaufort Photography Co.! We love bridal parties that include children! They bring a breath of fresh air, spontaneity, and occasional hi-jinks to every wedding.
For the day is coming when they too will grow up and old. Just like you and me. But once upon a time, we were kids.