Will you marry me?
Surprise Surprises come in all shapes and sizes. And depending on where a surprise lands on the surprise spectrum, one either loves or hates them. On the bad side fall such surprises as: Surprise in-law visits Blue lights in your rear view mirror Surprise birthday parties On the good side fall such surprises as: It’s…
Read MoreFlowers are a guy’s best friend
Though our blog posts usually focus on the bride, today we’re sending a note to the guys that read – flowers are a guy’s best friend. Considering our unique differences, the attraction between men and women is nothing short of miraculous. Marriage, even at its best, is a challenge. So what’s the secret? How can…
Read MoreBeaufort Photography Co. Photographs Twuuu Wuuuv
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “love?” Do you think of a person? Maybe a spouse, a parent, a child, a friend. Maybe you think of a pet or a possession. “I love my dog, Rover.” “I love my Corvette.” “I love ice cream.” Do you get all sentimental? Do you…
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