Posts Tagged ‘travel’
We interrupt this regularly scheduled post
We interrupt this regularly scheduled post as we are on the road this week, the first of several trips scheduled for July. This one will take us to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama, about 2,500 miles. On the Horizon Please stay tuned to our blog as a number of exciting things are…
Read MoreA man’s house is his castle
In 1644, English jurist, Edward Coke, said, “A man’s house is his castle.” Domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium – One’s home is the safest refuge for all. The expression even found its way into our Bill of Rights, “The right of people to be secure in their…houses…against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.”…
Read MoreOn the road again
On the road again this week. Hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. Blog posts will be sporadic and spontaneous this week as Beaufort Photography Co. makes our way through North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. But I’m already homesick for the Crystal Coast and Carrot Island and Beaufort Inlet and Emerald Isle and…
Read More1950s Hong Kong Street Photography
I recently came across a book filled with some of the most amazing images I’ve ever seen of 1950s Hong Kong street photography. Called A Hong Kong Memoir, these photographs were captured by a teenager, Ho Fan, who arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai in 1949. Armed with a simple Rolleiflex camera, he managed to…
Read MoreWashington DC in February
Washington DC in February is about as dismal as it gets. Though it’s a rainy, messy February morning on North Carolina’s Crystal Coast, I’ll take this over the US capital any day of the week. Below are a few photos to remind me just how wonderful we have it here on the Crystal Coast. If…
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