Posts Tagged ‘light’
To infinity and beyond
“To infinity…and beyond!” Okay, I confess…this post has absolutely nothing to do with Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story fame. But it does have to do with light years and light. Astronomers tell us that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is just one of billions of galaxies in an astoundingly vast universe, each of which contains…
Read MorePhotography 101: ISO
Photography 101: ISO Light is an amazing thing. I once viewed Saturn through a telescope and was able to actually see its rings. I was looking at a planet that was 746 million miles away. How far away is that? Light travels at 186,000 miles per second or 670 million miles per hour. Traveling at…
Read MorePhotography 101: Exposure
Photography 101: Exposure Photography 101 Back to Basics is a series of posts I’ve wanted to do for some time. Whether you’re a professional photographer, a photography enthusiast, or simply own a camera, we all play by the same basic photography principles. For the next twelve months, I will address twelve photography basics – one…
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